CASTLE blogs

Education Recoded


Blog Description: A blog written by the four directors of the UCEA Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE). We not only provoke a new vision of what education might be but also suggest specific changes and improvements to get us from here to there. We are engaged daily in this redesign of learning and will share the successes, failures, concepts, and creations that we find in our own practice and from others around the globe. The task of recoding our education system is both immensely daunting and exceptionally necessary.

Contributors: Justin Bathon, Scott McLeod, John Nash, and Jayson Richardson

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1 to 1 Schools


Blog Description: 1 to 1 Schools is a col­lab­o­ra­tive blog ded­i­cated to 1:1 com­put­ing envi­ron­ments in ele­men­tary and sec­ondary schools.

Contributors: Blair Peterson, Charlie Roy, Janet Moeller-Abercrombie, Keith Gillette, Mike Gielniak, Nick Sauers, Pam Livingston, Sam Gliksman, Scott McLeod, Sylvia Martinez

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Connected Principals 


Blog Description:  Connected Principals is a collaborative blog written by more than 50 of the top school technology leaders in the world. Touching on everything from the latest technology integration to the best practices of everyday school leadership the blog is a must read for every school leader.  

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Dangerously Irrelevant 


Blog Description: This blog is intended to help resolve some of those incongruities for K-12 school leaders.

Contributors: Scott McLeod

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The Edjurist 


Blog Description: The Edjurist is a collaboration of Professor-Bloggers who teach education law in law schools and education schools. Blogging across the spectrum of educational law issues, the purpose of The Edjurist is to serve educational and legal practitioners as a resource for information and current events concerning laws and policies in our nation’s K-12 schools. It is also a place to foster debate and growth in the educational law scholarly community.

Contributors: Justin Bathon, Scott Bauries, Kevin Brady, Neal Hutchens, Daniel Kiel, Gina Umpstead

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Educational Games Research 


Blog Description: Educational Games Research Blog discusses topics related to academic research and media commentary concerning the use of video games in K-20 settings.

Contributors: John Rice

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Quality Leadership Matters 


Blog Description: The University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) is a consortium of higher education institutions committed to advancing the preparation and practice of educational leaders for the benefit of schools and children. The blog is the knowledge portal for UCEA.

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School Finance 101


Blog Description: When school finance topics do make the headlines, there are often many “facts” and “figures” and arguments tossed about, usually to make one point or another. Public School Spending is out of control! Administrator salaries are exorbitant! Or, that liberal judge simply made up the facts to come to his predetermined liberal conclusion!  The blog is intended to share the best version of the “facts behind the headlines” that can be pulled together in a reasonable amount of time, with sufficient citation so that you can check it out for yourself.

Contributors: Bruce Baker

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Virtual School Meanderings 


Blog Description: Blog is focused on issues related to distance education at the K-12 level, specifically the use of virtual and cyber schools. Items are related to K-12 distance education (mostly online learning). Two key purposes include 1)To pass on all items related to K-12 distance education, specifically K-12 online learning, that cross my electronic desk, and 2)To provide a space for me to play with ideas or opinions related to K-12 online learning in a non-academic way.

Contributors: Michael Barbour

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