Sara Dexter is an Associate Professor of education with expertise in the leadership of educational technology, and adult learning and development. Dr. Dexter’s experience in administration at the school district level brings a unique perspective to the Administration and Supervision faculty concerning the systemic implementation and integration of technology at the district, school, and classroom levels. Her training in the Kegan lineage of constructive developmental theory, practice, and coaching has influenced the extensive curriculum development she has contributed to, and led as a Program Coordinator. Dr. Dexter’s primary research interests lie in exploring the relationship between the development of educational leaders, the leadership of educational technology, and how adults learn and grow. She has been granted over $7M of funding to research case-based learning environments as “digital practicum experiences” for both aspiring teachers and school administrators; team-based instructional leadership for science and math teachers’ integration of technology to create multiple representations of content; and K-12 school leadership practices to support teachers’ learning and integration. Based on her innovative research in technology leadership and in recognition of her contributions to the field, Dr. Dexter was the 2009 recipient of the University Council for Educational Administration’s Jack A. Culbertson Award. In 2019 she received the Hanne Mahwinne Service Award for her work as a Senior Associate Director of UCEA. She currently serves as an Associate Director of CASTLE.

A Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Colorado Denver, Scott McLeod, J.D., Ph.D., is widely recognized as one of the nation’s leading experts on P-12 school leadership, technology, and innovation. He is the Founding Director of CASTLE, the only university center in the U.S. dedicated to the technology needs of school administrators, and is the co-creator of the wildly popular video series, Did You Know? (Shift Happens). He also is the co-creator of the 4 Shifts Protocol for lesson/unit redesign and the founder of both the annual Iowa 1:1 Institute and EdCampIowa, one of the largest EdCamp events in the United States. Dr. McLeod has worked with hundreds of schools, districts, universities, and other organizations and has received numerous awards for his technology leadership work, including the 2016 Award for Outstanding Leadership from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Dr. McLeod was one of the pivotal figures in Iowa’s grass roots 1:1 computing movement, which has resulted in over 220 school districts providing their students with powerful learning devices. Dr. McLeod blogs regularly about technology leadership issues at Dangerously Irrelevant and is a frequent keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at regional, state, national, and international conferences. He has written or edited 4 books and 170 articles and other publications, and is one of the most visible education professors in the United States. In his spare time, Scott enjoys hiking, photography, traveling, and reading science fiction / fantasy. He also is a huge baseball fan (Go Twins!).

Jayson W. Richardson is a Professor at the University of Denver in the Morgridge College of Education. He serves as the chair of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies. He earned his Ph.D. in Educational Policy and Administration with a focus on comparative and international development education from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Educational Administration and the Director of CASTLE. He also serves as the UCEA Associate Director of Program Centers and the Co-Chair of the Comparative and International Education Society’s Information and Communication Technologies special interest group. His research is focused on future-ready school leadership with a primary focus on modern digital technologies and understanding their impact on school leadership, school transformation, innovation, and educational decision-making. He enjoys the outdoors (hiking & biking), travel, exploring new restaurants, and is a consummate handyman where he is currently renovating his primary residence.

Associate Director
Nick Sauers graduated with his Ph.D. from the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at Iowa State University in 2012. Currently, he is an associate professor in the Education Policy Studies Department at Georgia State University. Dr. Sauers serves as the unit coordinator for GSU’s Educational Leadership unit. His scholarly interests include K-12 leadership, and the role of technology in schools. More specifically, he has worked with school leaders nationally and internationally as they move to a more technology robust environment. Dr. Sauers is actively involved with research and training for school leaders across the country and world as they attempt to leverage technology as a tool for change. Dr. Sauers also serves as an Associate Director for CASTLE. Prior to his position at GSU, he spent two years at the University of Kentucky as a lecturer and assistant research professor. He also previously served as a teacher and principal in Iowa.